IKEA Pick-up Point
From accessories to furniture, you can pick up your orders at a designated IKEA Pick-up Point near you.
Much cheaper than home delivery
You can reduce the delivery fee significantly by choosing to pick up at your nearest IKEA Pick-up Point.
Collect Anytime!
You can pick up your items any time within the delivery center's opening hours. There is no need to worry about unattended delivery.
Up to 300kg
Furniture and accessories can be delivered together at the same rate up until a combined weight of 300 kg.
How to use
Select your nearest pick up point or contact one of our sales staff at IKEA store.
Select your preferred pick up date
We will send you a notification via Email when the products are ready for handover. The pick up period is within 1 week from Email notification.
Please check the important notes here
IKEA Pick-up Points
Pick-up point in Asahikawa
Pick-up point Service fee:¥6,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
5-chōme-5-5 Ryūtsūdanchi 3 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 079-8443
株式会社 Sun.K物流
〒079-8443 北海道旭川市流通団地3条5丁目5-5Opening hours
9:00 – 17:00
※Exculude 1st Jan.This service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Sapporo
Pick-up point Service fee:¥5,300
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
1-2-10 Fushiko 8 Jo Higashi Ward, Sapporo, 007-0868 SG Moving Sapporo
SGムービング札幌営業所 〒007-0868 北海道札幌市東区伏古八条1-2-10
Opening hours
9:00 – 17:00 (Dec – March 10:00-16:00)
This service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Hakodate
Pick-up point Service fee:¥6,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
589-196 Nishikikyōchō, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-0824
佐川急便株式会社 函館営業所
Opening hours
9:00 - 19:00 (April - November)
10:00 - 18:00 (December - March)This service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Hirosaki
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
Matsuhashi-229-1 Sugidate, Hirakawa, Aomori 036-0161
株式会社 相馬サービス
〒036-0161 青森県平川市杉館松橋229-1
Opening hours
9:00 - 16:00
※Exculude Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Hachinohe
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
Maeda-49-7 Naganawashiro, Hachinohe, Aomori 039-1103
〒039-1103 青森県八戸市大字長苗代前田49-7
Opening hours
9:00 - 17:00
※Exculude Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Akita
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
Hamanashiyama-17-14 Tsuchizakiminato Sōzenmachi, Akita, 011-0951
秋田県秋田市土崎港相染町字浜ナシ山17-14Opening hours
9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 18:00
※Exculude new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Morioka
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
2-chōme-4-5 Ryūtsū Center Minami, Yahaba, Shiwa District, Iwate 020-0891
株式会社 LJP
〒020-0891 岩手県紫波郡矢巾町流通センター南2丁目4-5(盛岡流通センター内)
Opening hours
9:00 - 18:00
※Exculude GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Yamagata-Sakata
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
4-chōme-1-12 Kyōden, Sakata, Yamagata 998-0102
〒998-0102 山形県酒田市京田4丁目1-12Opening hours
9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 18:00
※Only available in the afternoon on weekends and public holidays (GW and Obon holiday are also available in the afternoon only)
※Closed during new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Fukushima
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
Tate-5-1 Kitayanome, Fukushima, 960-0113
トゥーホームサービス福島 株式会社
〒960-0113 福島県福島市北矢野目字舘5-1Opening hours
10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 18:00
※Exculude Tuesday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Koriyama
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
2-chōme-30-5 Kikutamachioroshi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0547
株式会社 LJP
〒963-0547 福島県郡山市喜久田町卸2丁目30-5Opening hours
9:00 - 18:00
※Exculude Tuesday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Iwaki
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Sendai to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
Takadamachi-31-6 Onahamashima, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8125
株式会社 LJP
福島県いわき市小名浜島高田町31-6Opening hours
9:00 - 18:00
※Exculude Tuesday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Sendai.
Pick-up point in Niigata
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
Pick up location
3-chōme-7-15 Akebonochō, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0134
〒950-0134 新潟県新潟市江南区曙町3-7-15Opening hours
10:00 - 17:00
※Exculude GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Maebashi.
Pick-up point in Toyama
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Nagakute to your home address ¥29,500 ~ )
Pick up location
302 Kurosaki, Toyama, 939-8214
〒939-8214 富山県富山市黒崎302番地Opening hours
9:00 - 18:00
※Exculude new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Nagakute.
Pick-up point in Kanazawa
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Tsuruhama to your home address ¥29,500 ~ )
Pick up location
Ishikawa, Kanazawa, Onomachi, 4 Chomeso−10−3
〒920-0231 石川県金沢市大野町4丁目ソ10番3Opening hours
8:00 - 19:00
※Exculude Sunday, public holiday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Tsuruhama.
Pick-up point in Nagano
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
Pick up location
7600-7 Sasaga, Matsumoto, Nagano 399-0033
〒399-0033 長野県松本市笹賀7600-7Opening hours
9:00 - 17:00
※Exculude Wednesday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Maebashi.
Pick-up point in Utsunomiya
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
Pick up location
18-1 Kiyoharakōgyōdanchi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-3231
エヌエヌ商事 株式会社
〒321-3231栃木県宇都宮市清原工業団地18‐1Opening hours
9:00 - 21:00
※Exculude Wednesday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Maebashi.
Pick-up point in Mito-Hitachinaka
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Shinmisato to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
2-chōme-9-7 Minatochūō, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 311-1229
株式会社 エムアンドエスコーポレーション
〒311-1229 茨城県ひたちなか市湊中央2-9-7Opening hours
※Exculude Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Shinmisato.
Pick-up point in Tsukuba
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Shinmisato to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
185-86 Sakaida, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0867
株式会社 エムアンドエスコーポレーション
〒305-0867 茨城県つくば市境田185-86Opening hours
10:00 - 17:00
※Exculude Wednesday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Shinmisato.
Pick-up point in Kofu
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Tachikawa to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
〒409-3845 山梨県中央市山之神3162-15Opening hours
※Exculude Sunday and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Tachikawa.
Pick-up point in Numazu
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Kohoku to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
5-9 Kyōeichō, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0064
〒410-0064 静岡県沼津市共栄町5-9Opening hours
※Exculude Tuesday, Sunday and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Kohoku.
Pick-up point in Shizuoka
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Kohoku or IKEA Nagakute to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
3238-2 Mariko, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0103
有限会社 大慶
〒421-0103 静岡県静岡市駿河区丸子3238-2Opening hours
※Exculude Sunday and holidays, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Kohoku.
Pick-up point in Hamamatsu
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Nagakute to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
380 Kamidamachi, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8047
株式会社 スワロー物流浜松
〒432-8047 静岡県浜松市中区神田町380Opening hours
※Exculude GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Nagakute.
Pick-up point in Kani
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Nagakute to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
295-1 Kamiedo, Mitake, Kani District, Gifu 505-0126
〒505-0126 岐阜県可児郡御嵩町上恵土295-1Opening hours
※Exculude Sunday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Nagakute.
Pick-up point in Ogaki
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Nagakute to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
5 Chome-7 Higashimae, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0835
〒503-0835 岐阜県大垣市東前5丁目7Opening hours
※Exculude public holiday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Nagakute.
Pick-up point in Shiga
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Tsuruhama to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
149-2 Myokoji, Yasu, Shiga 520-2332
〒520-2332 滋賀県野洲市妙光寺149-2Opening hours
※Exculude new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Tsuruhama.
Pick-up point in Yokkaichi
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Nagakute to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
1-chōme-7-14 Hinaga, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0885
三重西濃運輸(株) 四日市支店
〒510-0885 三重県四日市市日永1-7-14Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00 - 19:00
Weekends and public holidays 9:00 - 17:00
※Exculude GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Nagakute.
Pick-up point in Tsu
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Nagakute to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
1603-1 Kumozuhongōchō, Tsu, Mie 514-0304
〒514-0304 三重県津市雲出本郷町1603-1Opening hours
Mon - Fri 9:00-19:00
Weekends and public holidays 9:00-17:00
※Exculude GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Nagakute.
Pick-up point in Kyoto
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Kobe to your home address ¥4,500 ~ )
Pick up location
97 Yokoōji Senryōmatsuchō, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8244
〒612-8244 京都府京都市伏見区横大路千両松町97Opening hours
※Exculude Sunday and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Kobe.
Pick-up point in Wakayama
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
Pick up location
1115-8 Minato, Wakayama, 640-8404
和歌山県和歌山市湊1115-8Opening hours
※Exculude Sunday, Public holiday and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Tsuruhama.
Pick-up point in Okayama
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Kobe to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
196-1 Ōfuku, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0204
株式会社 ネストロジスティクス
岡山県岡山市南区大福196-1Opening hours
※Exculude Tuesday, Sunday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Kobe.
Pick-up point in Fukuyama
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Kobe to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
2-chōme-7-3 Akebonochō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-0952
株式会社 ネストロジスティクス
〒721-0952 広島県福山市曙町2丁目7-3Opening hours
9:00 ~ 17:00
※Exculude Tuesday, Sunday, GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Kobe.
Pick-up point in Hiroshima
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Fukuoka Shingu to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
5-chōme-10-42 Miiri, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0211
株式会社 中四国丸和ロジスティクス
広島県広島市安佐北区三入5-10-42Opening hours
9:00 ~ 18:00
※Exculude GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Fukuoka Shingu.
Pick-up point in Shimonoseki
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Fukuoka Shingu to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
7-25 Chofuogimachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 752-0927
株式会社 ホップ
〒752-0927 山口県下関市長府扇町7-25Opening hours
10:00 - 17:00
※Exculude Tuesday, GW、Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Fukuoka Shingu.
Pick-up point in Takamatsu
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Kobe to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
5-2 Asahishinmachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0064, Aoki Butsuryu Service
青木物流サービス 〒760-0064 香川県高松市朝日新町5−2
Opening hours
※Exculude Sunday and holidays, GW、Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Kobe.
Pick-up point in Oita
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Fukuoka Shingu to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
776-1 Sako, Oita, 870-0272
株式会社 マテリアルデポット
〒870-0272 大分県大分市大字迫776番地の1
Opening hours
Weekday: 9:00 - 18:00
Weekend and public holiday: 9:00 - 12:00
※Exculude new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Fukuoka Shingu.
Pick-up point in Kumamoto
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Fukuoka Shingu to your home address ¥4,500 ~ )
Pick up location
3-chōme-8-94 Oyama, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8045
〒861-8045 熊本県熊本市東区小山3丁目8-94 シーエスワン
Opening hours
13:00 - 17:00
※Exculude GW, Obon and new year holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Fukuoka Shingu.
Pick-up point in Nagasaki
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Fukuoka Shingu to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
655-1 Tanakamachi, Nagasaki, 851-0134
株式会社 丸野
〒851-0134 長崎県長崎市田中町655-1
Opening hours
10:00~18:00 (Mon - Sat)
10:00~15:00 (Sun)
※Exculude public holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Fukuoka Shingu.
Pick-up point in Miyazaki
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Fukuoka Shingu to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
11365-10 Kanoda, Saito, Miyazaki 881-0104
〒881-0104 宮崎県西都市鹿野田11365-10
Opening hours
9:00 ~ 16:00
※Exculude Sunday and public holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Fukuoka Shingu.
Pick-up point in Kagoshima
Pick-up point Service fee:¥3,900
( Delivery service fee from IKEA Fukuoka Shingu to your home address ¥13,500 ~ )
Pick up location
1487-3 Kajikichō Koyamada, Aira, Kagoshima 899-5203
しみず運送(株) 姶良営業所
〒899-5203 鹿児島県姶良市加治木町小山田1487-3
Opening hours
9:00 ~ 16:00
※Exculude Sunday and public holidayThis service is available only when there is a stock in IKEA Fukuoka Shingu.